Jacinto Fernandes

Executive Director

A true Bon-vivant life’s bohemian, whose loving passion for the arts and culture was sowed very early on in his childhood. It has paved the way to the journey we are in.
The core of his essence is defined by the belief that: “Ones true purpose in life is never met if absent of social and cultural responsibilities.” 
Although not an instrumentalist, his devotion to music has made of him shrewd listener, who has produced several projects, while continuously promoting unique concerts. Jessie’s relationship with world renowned producer, musician and educator Robert Sadin has helped further his scope of knowledge of the entertainment industry while building an immense network of music professionals. Although currently managing singer Desiree’s artistic career, he’s also committed to the newly formed musical movement known as “Terreru” with his lifelong musician friends.

Email me: mail@example.com

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